In September 2021, I officially embarked on my academic endeavor, joining as a research assistant in the SNF-funded “Interactive Narration” project at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Simultaneously, I began my journey as a PhD candidate at the University of West of England (UWE), engaging in a practice-based PhD program.
Below is a chronologically ordered list of my accomplishments throughout this journey. While comprehensive, it doesn’t encompass everything, such as my extensive reading, ongoing blog writing, and the numerous insightful discussions I’ve had – and continue to have – with experts in the field. The list starts with the most recent achievements.
2024-04-18 to 06-06
HSLU, Luzern, CH
Colabor 2024

During an intensive six-week module at HSLU, student groups collaborated to produce three long-form Korsakow films. The students developed technical skills and gained a thorough introduction to relevant theory and analysis. The instruction was provided by experienced practitioners Katharina Knust and Florian Thalhofer, and theoretical input by Vanessa Zallot and Tobias Conradi. These projects formed part of a research initiative in interactive documentary filmmaking, enhancing the students’ learning experience.
Lecturers: Katharina Knust, Vanessa Zallot, Florian Thalhofer, Tobias Conradi.
Mobile Studies Congress 2023, Hangzhou, CN
paper presentation
The Korsakowian Approach – A Metamodern Method?

This talk explores the “korsakowian approach” in interactive documentary creation and its potential connection to metamodernism. It suggests that this approach encourages exploring ideas from multiple perspectives without forming fixed opinions, akin to scientific inquiry. The talk raises questions about the impact of using generative computer-based tools on thought processes, especially in the realm of social media. It raises the question how this approach might shape thinking in an ever-evolving digital landscape.
HSLU Retrait, Maderanertal, Silenen, CH
Korsakow Experiment II

The audience is invited to navigate through this presentation of smallest narrative units created by Florian Krautkrämer, Vanessa Zallot, Tobias Conradi, and myself using laser pointers. The presentation delves into key concepts of interactive documentary, featuring a blend of live spoken text and prepared videos. The Korsakow Experiment II draws inspiration from the Korsakow Word Experiment I, which took place in March of the same year in Lucerne.
Uni Hamburg, DE
Life according to Korsakow @ UH
Invited by Jasmin Kermanchi I give a talk highlighting the origins and objectives of Korsakow, with a particular focus on the production process of Planet Galata a film created in both linear and Korsakow formats for ARTE/ZDF.
2023-06 – ongoing
Collaborative Korsakow Project
AMP – Adrian Miles Project

Franziska Weidle conducted several hours of interviews with Adrian Miles, an Australian scholar who passed away in 2018, for her doctoral thesis. Adrian Miles was renowned for his significant contributions to digital media and documentary, and he had extensively engaged with Korsakow, often sharing his insights on it, including in his discussions with Franziska Weidle. Franziska and I started this collaborative project with Hannah Brasier and Kim Munro, both of whom completed their PhDs under Miles. The project aims to reinterpret Miles’ ideas through the medium of a Korsakow film. This project is currently in progress. The Korsakow film provided in the link below represents its present stage.
UWE, Bristol, UK
Progress Review (RD2)

The Progress Review is one of the milestones of my PhD research degree
From the UWE handbook:
- To demonstrate that the postgraduate researcher (PGR) is continuing to make satisfactory progress with their project, and is on track to complete and submit their work for final assessment on time.
- To provide formative feedback to the PGR to support ongoing progress, and identify and agree appropriate targets for the next stage of the project.
2023-05-01 to 2023-06-09
HSLU, Luzern, CH
Colabor 2023

In an intensive six-week module at HSLU, groups of students collaborated to create three long form Korsakow films, integrating a broad concept of documentary filmmaking with internet possibilities. They prioritized multiperspective approaches over individual authorship, acquiring technical skills and benefiting from a comprehensive introduction to theory and analysis. Instructors included experienced practitioners Carmen Losmann and Florian Thalhofer, known for their work in documentary and interactive film. These projects were part of a research effort in interactive documentary filmmaking, complementing their learning journey.
Lecturers: Florian Krautkrämer (module leader), Carmen Losmann, Florian Thalhofer, Vanessa Zallot, Tobias Conradi.
2023-05 to 2023-10
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT
Consulting for PhD project
Arianna Mencaroni is a PhD candidate at UT Austin/ Portugal CoLab and FCSH/Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Her doctoral project involves the creation of a Korsakow film. From May to October 2023, we held eight advisory sessions where I provided guidance on this project.
What is a plant? – A ChatGPT experiment

If you want to understand the world (better), you can start anywhere. But where do I start? I look out of the window. Where the window is is not important, but cool fact, it’s on Crete. A plant in front of the window. You can start anywhere. What is a plant? I ask chatGTP. ChatGTP answers and I ask again. Twelve times. The result: a little Korsakow film.
Hochschule Offenburg, DE
Life according to Korsakow @ HS Offenburg
I have been invited by Daniel Fetzner to discuss the origins and objectives of Korsakow at Hochschule Offenburg.
2023-03-17 & 18
HSLU, Luzern, CH
lead conference organization
Doing Interactive Documentary Conference

The conference “Doing Interactive Documentary – Looking at a Relational Practice” explored the production of interactive documentaries, considering the interplay between artistic and technical aspects. Attendees discussed the impact of technological innovations on creativity and potential challenges.

The event also examined interactive documentation as a research tool, investigating the role of databases and online formats in academic research and how they disrupt conventional documentation practices.
Furthermore, the conference focused on user interfaces and the decision-making spaces within interactive documentaries. This aspect emphasized the importance of users, their anticipated modes of interaction, and the interplay between production and reception.
HSLU, Luzern, CH
conducting a Korsakow-Experiment
Korsakow Word Experiment

In my practice-based PhD research, I’m exploring how intensive engagement in generative documentary practices affects individuals’ thinking, perception, and their way of being in the world. This inquiry was sparked by my own experiences and conversations with fellow practitioners at various events over the years, although I acknowledge that my data may be limited and biased.
I’m particularly interested in a specific form of relational practice known as “computational relation” within the context of interactive documentary filmmaking. This involves a more open-ended exploration of connections and patterns, rather than conveying a predetermined message.
During the “Doing Interactive Documentary – A Relational Practice” conference in Lucerne on March 17th and 18th, which I organized, I conducted an experiment involving experienced practitioners in this field – Alisa Lebow, Franziska Weidle, and Mike Robbins, along with myself as the facilitator. We aimed to uncover whether years of intensive involvement in “Doing Interactive Documentary” had shaped their thinking, perception, and worldview. The audience primarily consisted of invited scholars and practitioners in the interactive documentary field.
RAI Film Festival, Bristol UK
panel participation
The Polyphonic Documentary Project and Speculative Futures: a generative discussion

This round table will consist of an interactive dialogue on speculative futures between members of the Polyphonic Documentary Project. It will focus on our use of co-creational and multimodal methods to help shift our minds towards decolonised and more-than-human worlding practices.
With Judith Aston, Franziska Weidle, Daniel Fetzner, Karen Boswall, Bharath Ananthanarayana & me.
Watershed, Bristol, UK
Public Spaces Workshop

Dr. Abby Tabor and Dr. Judith Aston hosted a workshop at Watershed, Bristol, which aimed to explore the relationships that citizens had with public spaces. Their specific focus was on delving into the diverse nature of these relationships and how they informed reciprocal planetary and human health.
The workshop revolved around the theme of knowledge sharing and how it could be translated into action where necessary. To achieve this, interactive documentary techniques and open-source software tools were employed to ensure the integration of multiple perspectives throughout the day.
Prior to the workshop, participants were asked to record, using their phones, an interaction they typically had with public space. These recordings could take the form of a still image, an audio recording, or a video clip with a maximum duration of 30 seconds. These recorded materials were turned into a Korsakow-film by Florian Thalhofer.
Polyphonic Documentary Project

PolyMeet is a Korsakow film based on the recording of a gathering of the Polyphonic Documentary group that took place virtually on Oct 27th, 2022. In this meeting the members of the group from places all around the world expressed their feelings and thoughts about the video-clips that were received from the members of that very same group. Many of the members of that group had never met each other in person, nevertheless they shared a common interest and that was: polyphonic documentary, and that is, as I would describe it, the fascination of looking at the same *thing* from multiple angles simultaneously. PolyMeet was orchestrated by Florian Thalhofer.
Visible Evidence Conference, Gdanks, PL
The Magic Of Not Wanting (in Interactive Documentary)

In this talk I argue that what is special about what I have come to call the ‘Korsakowian approach’ is – being able to create films that have no specific intention or opinion. They are made in such a way that they allow the viewer to take in perspectives and recognise aspects that would have been more easily hidden from the viewer in more traditional film formats.
European Network for Cinema and Media Studies, Bucharest, RO
Objectivity and neutral perspective in Documentary Practices

As a former interactive documentary maker and current practice-based PhD student, I present my perspective on the evolving nature of documentary-making in the context of digital media, specifically YouTube. The talk contrasts traditional journalism’s approach to objectivity with emerging trends in YouTube and interactive documentaries.
In this talk I advocate for a shift from traditional objective journalism to a more nuanced, complex, and subjective approach to documentary-making, as exemplified by interactive media and platforms like YouTube. This approach, I argue, better represents the multifaceted nature of reality and fosters a more tolerant and understanding society.
2022-06-08 to 10
IFM Conference, Toronto, CA
two day-workshop
creating two Korsakow films
Us – A Korsakow Experiment

The workshop comprised two parts. In the initial session, attendees were encouraged to film anything they found significant in their surroundings. These recordings were then compiled to produce a collaborative Korsakow film.
We look at us. We put our attention at ourselves. We will do that in a very playful way, we will do that in a fun way. We play. This is a game. This is a game, and as all good games, this is also an experiment, and the goal it is, to identify our common feeling, or more specific the polyphony of feelings that sound together.
This experiment was an iteration of an experiment, that took place within an experiment that was done within the [polyphonic documentary project] convened by [Judith Aston] and [Stefano Odorico].
I-Docs Conference, Bristol, UK
Mono- and multi-perspectivity according to Jan

As a newly minted practice-based PhD student and part of a research team at HSLU in Lucerne, I share my experiences transitioning from an artist to a scholar. Struggling with scholarly writing, I decide to share a fictional narrative about “Jan” to explore a concept I am grappling with.
I use Jan’s story as a metaphor to explore the complexities of perspective and communication, seeking insights from the audience on these concepts and their applicability in understanding and interacting with different types of thinkers.
2022-04-20 to 2021-06-07
HSLU, Luzern, CH

In this intensive seven-week module at HSLU, groups of students collaborated to create six long form Korsakow films, integrating a broad concept of documentary filmmaking with internet possibilities. They prioritized multiperspective approaches over individual authorship, acquiring technical skills and benefiting from a comprehensive introduction to theory and analysis. These projects were part of a research effort in interactive filmmaking, complementing their learning journey.
Lecturers: Florian Krautkrämer (module leader), Florian Thalhofer, Vanessa Zallot, Tobias Conradi.
Six Korsakow films were produced in this module:
UWE, Bristol, UK
Registration of the research project (RD1)

The RD1 is one of the milestones of my PhD research degree
From the UWE handbook:
- To demonstrate that the project proposed by the Postgraduate Researcher (PGR), including the methodology that will be used, together with the research governance and supervision arrangements which are in place, are appropriate and viable for study at Doctoral/MPhil level;
- To demonstrate that the PGR has a clear understanding of the scope of their responsibilities for the design and distinctive nature of their own research and its execution, and for their ongoing personal development as a researcher;
- PGRs must gain RD1 approval from the Faculty Research Degrees Committee (FRDC) to be able to continue with their research degree.
Polyphonic Documentary Project, UK
Korsakow film

I provided guidance to the Polyphonic Documentary Project on the development of a collaborative Korsakow film. This film was to be crafted from video contributions made by 25 scholars and creators of interactive documentaries globally, including individuals from countries like India, Australia, Canada, the USA, Turkey, Malta, Germany, and the UK. We invited these participants to join in this collaborative effort by submitting 3-5 brief video clips, each describing their personal interpretation of polyphony.
Visible Evidence, Frankfurt am Main, DE
panel discussion
Interactive Documentary: Polyphony, Evolving Literacies and Database Aesthetics
This workshop was been designed to explore the evolving literacies of interactive documentaries (i-docs) and to ask what a polyphonic and multi-perspectival approach can offer to this ongoing discussion. I am part off the panel together with Judith Aston, Stefano Odorico, Franziska Weidle, Ersan Ocak and Kathleen M. Ryan
Digital Documentary Practice, Universität Bayreuth, DE
My Favorite Interactive Documentaries Are The Ones I Made Myself or In Search Of The Author

Anna Wiehl invited me to give a talk in the lectures series “Digital documentary practices – Topical paradigm shifts in negotiating ‚the Real‘” at the University of Bayreuth . I am honored and excited and created an almost brand-new talk looking at people thinking and breathing YouTube. How does the way YouTube changes the thinking of people ‚who take YouTube serious‘ compare to how Korsakow changed my thinking? I argue that there are many parallels.
2021-04-20 to 2021-06-11
HSLU, Luzern, CH

In this intensive eight-week module at HSLU, groups of students collaborated to create four long form Korsakow films, integrating a broad concept of documentary filmmaking with internet possibilities. They prioritized multiperspective approaches over individual authorship, acquiring technical skills and benefiting from a comprehensive introduction to theory and analysis. Instructors included experienced practitioners Carmen Losmann and Florian Thalhofer, known for their work in documentary and interactive film. These projects were part of a research effort in interactive documentary filmmaking, complementing their learning journey.
Lecturers: Florian Krautkrämer (module leader), Carmen Losmann, Florian Thalhofer, Tobias Conradi.
Four Korsakow films were produced in this module: