In 2016, Arnau Gifreu, a true expert in interactive narration, gave me a few questions that I had to answer on video. I just stumbled across the videos and put them in an 11-minute clip. The questions were a little academic, so I put on my lab coat.
Why one group of people does not get what an other group of people says
This episode is in English.
We live in a divided time. There seem to be two groups of people that have very different perception of reality. Most likely you are yourself member of one of these groups. Most likely you never consciously decided to be in one or the other group, it just happened. And most of your friends happen to be in the same group.
Your family: not so much. Like most people, you have family members, that are in the other group, you know, whom I am talking about: it is that uncle/sister/nephew that you avoid talking about politics/religion/life, because he/she never gets it. And you never get, what he/she says.
This podcast explains why.
And as a bonus it will let you see how humankind will develop.
Wie wir Geschichten Erzählen
(this podcast is in German)
Wie uns die Art, wie wir Geschichten erzählen blind macht, für die Welt. Ein Vortrag, den Florian Thalhofer am 11. Oktober 2016 anläßlich der #DKT16 in der Humboldt Universität in Berlin hielt.
Music by Jim Avignon / Neoangin and Ilja Pollach, Cologne.