What are digital Cultures? The DCRL-interview-series “Questions”
The term “digital cultures” is all-encompassing and at the same time vague. The purpose of the interview-series QUESTIONS of the DCRL (Digital Cultures Research Lab) is to start specifying the broadness of the term by asking researchers as well as practitioners in various fields to further define the notion and its implications. In a five-minute time slot, the interviewees answer four standard questions:
What are digital cultures?
What are the potentials of digital cultures?
What are the dangers of digital cultures?
What lies beyond digital cultures?
Team DCRL: Martina Leeker with: Dominik Baumgarten, Irina Kaldrack, Jonas Keller, Sophie Köster, Tobias Schulze, Daniel Sonntag
Video DCRL: Jonas Keller, Daniel Sonntag
Date of interview: 21-August-2018